Angeliki Diakrousi is an artist, coder and architect. She is currently involved in research projects that engage with public space, technology, computing, infrastructures and their languages. Her work examines the politics of public spheres and the potentialities of digital tools, spaces and networks through collective processes and knowledges. Angeliki is an Architecture graduate of the University of Patras in Greece and holds an MA from the Experimental Publishing Master at Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam. She is a former member of Varia, a space of collective approaches to everyday technology in Rotterdam, and has taught in Fine Arts and Social Practices in Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. In 2022/2023 she was a researcher for The Institute for Technology in the Public Interest (TITiPI). A short sample of presentations here.
© Angeliki Diakrousi. All text and media licensed under the Free Art License 1.3 unless otherwise mentioned.