Angeliki Diakrousi ..texts ....streams


Narrowcast is a streaming space under the Varia Broadcasts label, broadcasting events that are happening in Varia starting from 2021. The Narrowcast is now one of the main digital public interfaces of Varia. Here we present our events online to the public through different streaming possibilities. It is called 'narrowcast' because its purpose is not to reach as many people as possible but to 'speak' meaningfully to different audiences and contributors.

The station has since unfolded as an orbiting broadcasting channel for the physical public events in the space. The broadcasting programme is a way to further engage with ground-breaking modes of broadcasting events and inviting audiences to participate from a distance. We use free/ libre software tools, which are made and maintained by communities part of the free/ libre software movement. Varia's server is hosting the streaming platform Narrowcast.


Narrowcast edited by Varia BroadCats: Joana, Luke, Danny, Angeliki

Made by the Varia BroadCats team (aka Broadcats ˚ᆺ˚) this publication is a manual that records the history and genealogy of the streaming space of Varia called Narrowcast from around 2020 until 2023.

Selection of streams